Community Orchard Project 2024 - 2025
We are excited that our Coronation Living Heritage Orchard is progressing well this winter.
To help support other community organisations we are establishing the orchard through an Adopt a Tree for free scheme.
Dozens of representatives from local community organisations have come along to our weekend work parties to help dig holes, plant trees and install tree shelters. With just a very few trees left to plant we are accepting offers of help for other related tasks such as installing a rain harvesting system to water the trees and helping with our access for all sensory trail which passes next to the orchard and down to our chalk stream wildlife viewing platform. Drop us a line or turn up at weekend work party - 10.30 on Saturdays and 3.00 on Sundays.
A big thank you to Laverstock and Ford Parish Council for a Community Grant to help us improve access to the orchard and River Bourne chalk stream in Barn Field.
Thank you also to the Wessex Community Fund for providing funding for rain harvesting, interpretation and maintenance equipment for the orchard and the wildflower meadow in Barn Field.